
Mike Johnson
If you’re new to the world of crypto, figuring out how to buy Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies can be confusing at first. Thankfully, it’s pretty simple to learn the ropes. You can start investing in cryptocurrency by following these five easy steps.
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France wants EU governments to give the responsibility for overseeing…
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…or how to not get a heart attack on the way to the moon Having been in the crypto space for some time I get asked frequently what the best investment strategy in crypto is.
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The price of a single Bitcoin may be around half of what it was just a few months ago, but that doesn’t mean crypto has run its course.
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While the price of Dogecoin has slowed, Dogecoin developers and Elon Musk’s tweets have not. Dogecoin is expected to receive a rather large upgrade in the near future.
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Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency by volume, but its many uses can create a much larger learning curve for new investors than Bitcoin.
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Holders of Bitcoin (CRYPTO:BTC) have been on a wild ride over the last few months. From the high it touched in mid-April, its price has fallen by more than 45%, erasing $500 billion in market value.
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So far, all stablecoins have been issued by private parties. Inspired by the advances of private players in the field, including Facebook’s interest in launching its Libra coin (now called Diem), central banks have started accelerating their own stablecoin initiatives, with two-thirds of the largest central banks currently experimenting in the field.
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